Our Mission is to help you
"Make Your Health Great Again".
Australian Naturopathics Complementary Medicine Clinic.
Our GOAL is to improve your health, energy and well being, to prevent future diseases and promote a vibrantly active long life. We work on improving your real underlying health problems, not just the symptoms.
Our SPECIALTY is combining traditional Naturopathic health assessment, diagnosis and treatment with scientific Complementary Medicine and Nutritional Biochemistry.
Our RESULTS provide superior, safer, more effective, and importantly natural outcomes for people of all ages.
If You Are Looking For a Naturopath With:
- Very Long and extensive clinical experience (3 decades),
- Highest professional qualifications,
- Respected record of ongoing research and development work,
- Focus and genuine care to achieve the best results for you...
...We Can Help you.
"A Good Naturopath Will Change Your Life"
Suite 2, 80 Cecil Avenue, Castle Hill, N.S.W. (click to see map below).
Call us on (02) 9899 5922 now to book a
suitable time for your first appointment.
We have long experience at successfully helping patients with most health concerns including:

General and metabolic issues:
Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypoglycemia, cholesterol, blood pressure, arthritis, gout, tiredness,
insomnia, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, headaches, migraines and thyroid dysfunctions.

Digestive tract problems:
Reflux, constipation, irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, celiac and helicobacter pylori.

Immune system related conditions:
Respiratory problems such as colds, asthma sinusitis as well as skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema,
acne and dermatitis plus other allergies, intolerances and sensitivities and auto-immune disorders
such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto's and Graves disease.

Hormonal and Fertility difficulties:
Period problems, menopausal issues, endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovaries, female and male fertility.

Cardiovascular issues:
Heart problems, cardiomyopathies, atherosclerosis, circulation problems and blood pressure.

Muscular and skeletal conditions:
Lower back and sciatica problems, neck and shoulder pain including headaches and
migraines and specialise in the MYORTHOTICS treatment technique.

About Bruno Marevich – Naturopath
BHSc (Complementary Medicine), ND Advanced, NLP (Master), FMCMA
Fellow Member Of Complementary Medicine Association
Bruno and Henriette Marevich see patients at their Castle Hill Clinic.
As one of the first University degree qualified Naturopaths in Australia, Bruno's long experience in the Complementary Medicine field benefited profoundly from his close work and association with some of the early founding figures of modern Naturopathic Medicine in Australia.
This was also influential in Brunos' formulating of his own unique and highly effective range of nutritional medicines brand of Australian Naturopathics to help improve the health of the Australian people under the supervision and guidance of their own complementary medicine physician...(read more)
Call us on (02) 9899 5922 now to book a
suitable time for your first appointment.

"I visited Bruno nine years ago for my hyperthyroidism. Since then I have managed to keep my blood results within range. I recommend Bruno for his safe effective and natural treatment..."
Nizmin M.
"I thank Bruno for the wonderful health I now enjoy. My zest for life has now returned after the worst year in my life and being sent from specialist to specialist. My energy is now fantastic and I have never felt better..."
Lee C.
Nicola's Mum.
"Bruno's programme has been wonderful for my health and well being. The results are exceptional. I am 10 kilograms lighter, my blood pressure and sugar levels are normal and I have more energy..."
Veronica H.
"I haven't been to hospital for any stomach issues since seeing Bruno. He has been a great help since day one giving me information about the issues I had that no other doctor was able to provide..."
Trevor T.
"My daughter was suffering with frequent fainting episodes. We visited numerous doctors including 3 neurologists who told us we would have to live with it. After less than one week on Bruno's treatment the episodes completely ceased and have never returned again..."
Consultation Fees:
- First Consultation - 60 minutes:
*Includes FREE telephone support during the first month of your treatment if you purchase
the supplements which we'll prescribe for you (click here for an idea of the cost of certain supplements).
- Subsequent Consultations - 20 minutes:
Private Health Funds
(Please always check with your health fund first)
* Since April' 19, all private health funds in Australia have ceased providing rebates for "Naturopathy".
However, certain health funds do cover "Nutritional Consultations" provided by naturopaths.
As these may change from time to time and without notice, please make sure to check with your health fund first.
We consult with patients on:
Mondays: 12.00pm to 6.00pm
Wednesdays:12.00pm to 6.00pm
Fridays: 12.00pm to 6.00pm
For general enquiries or to
book an appointment, you can
on (02) 9899 5922.
Your Great Health Starts Here.
If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to telephone us on (02) 9899 5922 or email us using the form below.
Contact Us:
(02) 9899 5922
Suite 2, 80 Cecil Avenue,
Castle Hill, NSW 2154

Australian Naturopathics Pty Ltd
Bruno Marevich - Naturopath
BHSc (Complementary Medicine), ND Advanced, NLP (Master), FMCMA
Fellow Member Of Complementary Medicine Association
Suite 2, 80 Cecil Avenue, Castle Hill N.S.W. 2154
(02) 9899 5922
We have helped 10's of thousands enjoy greater health in
over 3 decades of professional experience.