Chronic fatigue with complications
Lee C.
Dear Bruno,
Thank you for the wonderful health I now enjoy, my zest for life has returned after the worst year in my life. In February I developed tinnitus and hearing sensitivity. I couldn’t leave the house without wearing ear plugs as noise was extremely painful.
Two weeks later I had joint pain, disturbed balance, nausea, head and skull pain, food intolerance, severe abdominal pain depression and overwhelming fatigue. The next four months I spent in bed. I got leave of absence from work but eventually I had to resign.
I had always had great energy, so this was such a shock. My weight dropped from 51kg to 43kg. I was sent from specialist to specialist and had a multitude of tests including MRI scan, endoscopy, ultra sound, ECG. I lost count of the blood tests before I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue. I started vitamin B12 injections twice weekly but nothing worked, until I came to see Bruno.
I started my treatment with Bruno in June, after the first month of diet and vitamins I started to improve. By December, all of my symptoms had disappeared with the exception of the tinnitus on which we are still working on. My weight is now 50kg. My energy is just fantastic and I have never felt better.
So, thank you Bruno for giving me back my life.
Lee C.